Monday, April 14, 2008

Months later...

Originally uploaded by adaminlatinamerica
So, I suck at blogging. I'd like to claim that my actual journal was up to date and that the blog just took a back seat to that... but it isn't true. I have stopped documenting my life apparently... But maybe that's for the best. Things are going well here, time is really flying though...

I just went to a week-long Fulbright conference in Managua, which was great, and now in a few days I'm heading to St. Martin for Bob's wedding... then I'll be here for a month before Riana arrives and we set off for Colombia and Ecuador. In exciting news, I have a job lined up at the NIH, working with HPV (you know, the fun STD that can cause cervical cancer.) I'll be working in Bethesda, MD, and hopefully living in DC proper... but I've got a while to figure that out. It looks like I might be starting like 10 days after I arrive to the US... which puts some pressure on me to find housing quickly, but at least it will keep me busy! I don't even want to imagine how depressed I'll be when I move back to the US... but it has to happen.