Saturday, September 29, 2007

It's been a while... but I'm here...

Geoffrey's Tamarin
Originally uploaded by adaminlatinamerica
It's been a while since my last entry. Things haven't changed too much I suppose... still spending a lot of time in the lab and field. I've continued to love living in Gamboa though, and I've been exploring the city more and more... Geoffrey's tamarins come by my house a lot (see the pic, taken from my bedroom window...) which is pretty cool... and I guess lately I've just been thinking about life a lot and stuff, especially when I'm out in the forest looking for ants. Yesterday I went out for a little bit and was unsuccessful at finding what I needed, but I did happen upon a troop of white-faced capuchins. These are probably my favorite type of monkey, and one I had never seen in the wild before.

It's actually surprising that I hadn't seem them until yesterday - they're quite common here and in Costa Rica as well, but I just never was at the right place at the right time until then I guess. I didn't have my camera with me, but oh well, I'm sure I'll see them again soon enough. I also spotted a little tortoise while I was looking, and it was the first I've seen in the forest. I immediately picked it up to look closer, and I was sad to spot a few ticks on it. So, after pulling them off, I put it down and watched it slowly walk away. It really made me think a lot about everything, especially as turtles are obviously a pretty special animal to me, for those who know... so it just reminded me that while those we have lost might not be around physically, we always have them with us. For me, that's an especially important feeling when I'm down here away from everyone and everything I knew before, often feeling quite alone (especially out in the immense forest.) But really, I love it here, and it's incredible to be surrounded by so much life. I'm thinking of everybody back home though!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Isla Taboga and More...

The town/beach
Originally uploaded by adaminlatinamerica
Things continue to go fine here in Panama... the ants keep me busy during the week, and I try to explore a bit on the weekends, though up until this weekend that just meant exploration in Gamboa and Panama City. This weekend, though, I headed out to Isla Taboga, a small island with about 1000 residents in the Pacific, 12 miles from Panama City more or less. I took a ferry out Saturday morning and returned Sunday morning, spending the night in a hostel, though I was the only person in the dorm, so there wasn't much socialization happening. I got the chance to hike a bit though, which was great, and hang out on the beach, reading Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" - a great short read that I'd recommend to anyone who hasn't read it... haha...

Then, today I put some time in with the ants and got to see the Miraflores Locks of the canal while dining, which was pretty great. The canal is so incredibly impressive, and I can't wait to see more of it... Well, that's it for now I guess... hopefully something else exciting will come soon, but who knows...