Sunday, September 9, 2007

Isla Taboga and More...

The town/beach
Originally uploaded by adaminlatinamerica
Things continue to go fine here in Panama... the ants keep me busy during the week, and I try to explore a bit on the weekends, though up until this weekend that just meant exploration in Gamboa and Panama City. This weekend, though, I headed out to Isla Taboga, a small island with about 1000 residents in the Pacific, 12 miles from Panama City more or less. I took a ferry out Saturday morning and returned Sunday morning, spending the night in a hostel, though I was the only person in the dorm, so there wasn't much socialization happening. I got the chance to hike a bit though, which was great, and hang out on the beach, reading Paulo Coelho's "The Alchemist" - a great short read that I'd recommend to anyone who hasn't read it... haha...

Then, today I put some time in with the ants and got to see the Miraflores Locks of the canal while dining, which was pretty great. The canal is so incredibly impressive, and I can't wait to see more of it... Well, that's it for now I guess... hopefully something else exciting will come soon, but who knows...

1 comment:

- - said...

It's nice to know that you like to spend time here in Panama, my country..!!

Best wishes to you and enjoy.. yeap! also the rainy days =)